Our Products
Kinetico® Products & Parts
Kinetico® Products
Pettyjohn’s carries all Kinetico products.
Contact us for more information and your specific water needs.

Premier Series
The ultimate soft water solution. These non-electric systems are tailored to tackle tough water challenges and provide you with 24/7 soft water.
Signature Series
Fashioned after the company’s original dual-tank, non-electric systems, these systems have solved water problems for decades. Reliable, economical, and a perfect fit for many homes.
K5 Drinking Water Station
You can’t take for granted the quality of your drinking water. Private well water can be affected by a number of contaminating factors, while municipally-treated
Power Line Pro Series
Powerline PRO Series Filters are a great solution when you’re looking for something tough on problem water but easy on your budget. They are easy to set up and boast a state-of-the-art control valve that can be managed with your smartphone. With three different media types to choose from, these single-tank, electric systems eliminate the problems from your water.
Arsenic Guard
If your home’s water supply is contaminated with arsenic, the Kinetico Arsenic Guard® is a hassle-free solution you can depend on. Arsenic will consistently and continuously be reduced without the use of chemicals. It’s a non-electric system with the dual tanks that Kinetico is known for. Arsenic is a poisonous chemical that has no place in your water supply. Our filters are efficient and effective in treating arsenic. It’s the protection your family can count on.
Dechlorinate your whole house in a convenient package that can upgrade virtually any water softener. The activated carbon adsorbs objectionable tastes and odors from chlorinated water. Dechlorination reduces deterioration of rubber seals in fixtures and appliances and eliminates drying of hair and skin due to chlorine. It can also be customized to reduce chloramines and many other chemical contaminants.